May 11th - May 24th 2022

Le Trottoir alla Darsena

Milano, Italy

Broken Colors is Sanchita’s first solo exhibition, in which she presents her collection that sways between hues of suggestive and overwhelming strokes and controlled and frigid rationalities. These polarities are harmonized through golden seems and spaces of light and the use of texture to find a multi-sensorial path of communication with the spectator.

“Sarà presentata mercoledì 11 maggio, alle ore 18:30 a Le Trottoir a la Darsena, la mostra " Broken colours ”, aperta al pubblico sino a martedì 24 maggio. Broken colours, è la prima personale dell’artista Sanchita Pasi, che attraverso le sue opere offre note di dualità tra i rossi e i blu, connessi tra loro da filoni dorati e spazi di luce che cercano di armonizzare le dualità’ native. Broken rappresenta la nascita di Sanchita come pittrice e deriva da una rottura molto netta con il suo passato. Questa rottura però è solo un punto di partenza”. - Sonia Bonvini, Milano TODAY

Upcoming events


    September 6th - 18th 2024

    SUPERNATURAL will analyze the relationship between body and space, and the hybridization between identities and cultural/physical/social/urban settings in contemporary times, through an immersive experience inside the fascinating universe of the complex labyrinths of our consciousness. The human body is a changing system that connects us with other bodies and spaces to perceive the surrounding reality; a strong communication system with its own language and infinite ways of expression.

  • TBD

    More details to follow